Auto Repair, Norwalk CT | Sciaudone's Garage
PHONE: +1(203)853-0595
CURRENT LOCATION: Weston, Connecticut, 06883, United States
GPS COORDINATES: 41.177422351786305, -73.36802998407258
SERVICES PROVIDED: Roadside Assistance, Towing Service, Mobile Mechanic, Tire Repair
Hourly Rate: $75.00 per hour
Minimum Charge: $75.00
Mileage Rate: $3.00 per mile
Total cost for Service to: Your location.
No licenses uploaded yet.
No certificates uploaded yet.
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Checking in will let our AI-powered roadside dispatch agent know your available to take requests and it will also show your vehicles location on the map in real-time, allow you to upload your licenses and trade certifications and edit your profile information.
Tips for Checking-in on ROADY
- lonestartow.com - 4.76 miles away ›
- www.hankmays.com - 6.02 miles away ›
- accurateautonorwalk.com - 9.74 miles away ›
- federaltowing.co - 11.80 miles away ›
- www.cityofshelton.org - 16.57 miles away ›
- www.cammisasgarage.com - 16.60 miles away ›
- www.riversideserviceinc.com - 18.12 miles away ›
- towingdanbury.com - 19.60 miles away ›
- newhaven.neighborhood-locksmith-store.com - 20.05 miles away ›
- www.stellersgarage.com - 20.17 miles away ›
- newhaven.royal-locksmith-store.com - 21.38 miles away ›
- A1 Road Star Roadside Assistance - 21.89 miles away ›
- www.durableco.com - 22.45 miles away ›
- Towing Long Island - 22.74 miles away ›
- 123 Tow Co - 23.08 miles away ›
- Tow Plus - 23.08 miles away ›
- www.aamco.com - 23.50 miles away ›
- www.semacaautorepair.com - 23.84 miles away ›
- www.cohenskeyshop.com - 23.89 miles away ›
- www.24hourlocksmithnewhavenct.com - 24.59 miles away ›
- www.newhavenlocksmithpro.com - 24.66 miles away ›
- www.hannigansauto.com - 24.90 miles away ›
- Pagano Brothers Towing - 25.03 miles away ›
- On the Go Autoworks - 25.18 miles away ›
- www.stanleysonsservices.com - 25.42 miles away ›
- www.rjtauto.com - 25.83 miles away ›
- Mobile Mechanic Auto Repair - 25.98 miles away ›
- Port Chester Towing - 26.15 miles away ›
- Fleet Tow - 26.89 miles away ›
- Tarrytown Towing Service - 27.05 miles away ›
- Rye Towing Service - 27.49 miles away ›
- Lightning Roadside Assistance Corp - 27.60 miles away ›
- longislandelitetow.com - 28.61 miles away ›
- King Towing Services - 28.62 miles away ›
- Calvin Towing - 28.74 miles away ›
- All Custom Towing Service - 29.14 miles away ›
- James & Family Towing - 29.18 miles away ›
- www.631autoservice.com - 29.21 miles away ›
- Lightning Roadside Assistance - 29.63 miles away ›
- www.gardencitytowingservice.com - 29.63 miles away ›
- Richs Reliable Towing - 29.94 miles away ›
- Tow Guys - 29.97 miles away ›